Massage Choices

Massage School Finder

Enter current zip code     
Distance        miles
   Include neighboring state (if within distance)

Note: location shown above may only be an aproximation due to limitations of the geo api.

Primary Search by:


Quick help (simple search)

If you allowed the browser to find your location you will see your location filled in on the first line. This location is the browsers best approximation and its accuracy depends on the device you are using to connect.

If you did not allow the browser access to your location, or wish to use your current zip code instead, enter that in the zip code box. Keep in mind that zip code searches locate matches from the center of the bounding zip code area. So if there is an address shown and it is only a couple of miles off, leave the zip code box empty.

The default distance shown has been chosen in order to give you the most complete results within a reasonable distance. You may change this if you want to narrow or increase the number of matches found. Please note that this distance is a direct line to the matching result. Actual road travelled distances will be larger.


  1. If necessary or desired, enter your zip (see paragraph 2 above)
  2. Set a desired distance or leave as is
  3. Check "Include neighboring state" only if close to another state. (See note)

Advanced search uses filters to find therapists in the entire region or your target county.

You can search for a particular therapist, or apply any one of the four filters to get a list of all therapists matching your requirements.


  1. Select the target county or leave as all
  2. Enter either the therapist's name or change any of the filters to find matchg therapists
  3. Click the search button

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